In the Growing Places
“The growth that an artist seeks is a fine combination of mastering a craft, garnering an audience, maintaining one’s mental health, and working mightily...”
Eric Maisel - Affirmations for Artists

Meet Legare
At the second photo shoot the light was right for the perfect reference photo...

George The Artist
I agree with Ansel Adams, I do believe that God put us in places where he wants us to use our gifts.

Grandmother Elizabeth
Looking through old family photos I came across a beautiful hand painted photograph of my grandmother taken in the 1920’s.

Star of the Show
I am at a loss for words when it comes to the excitement felt when my friend and fellow artist Edwin Lockridge came to the Green Hills Library…

Silent Storytellers
I have my goal for this year. It is to go back to basics and focus on the silent storytellers of the soul, the eyes.

The Russian Wedding
As you can imagine there was a flurry of activity making travel plans and getting an expedited visa to go to Russia on short notice.

An Analysis of Beauty
This small delicate human form was given the opportunity to communicate, “curved is the line of beauty.”

International Beauty
Over the Thanksgiving Break of 2022 three exchange students, one from Mexico, one from Spain and one from Germany came to visit Nashville and stayed with my son and his family during the holiday.

Wisdom From Charles Brindley
“A leap of faith is often required for something meaningful to happen…”

“It’s all about Him”
“It’s all about Him”. She kept me grounded in the true mission of my art. Joyce said, “He always stand by His people. So prayers do be answered if you ask in His name…”

Photographic Masters of the Blur
A little blur in a moving subject will often aid in giving the impression of action and motion…

Encourager & Critic
Have you ever had a teacher who not only gave you instruction but who also gave you the confidence needed to continue learning and growing?

Soul of the Sitter
Recently I studied the art of 17th century master artist Rembrandt van Rijn. Rembrandt’s overriding artistic concern was with expressing the human spirit.

Works of Love
Sometimes when I am drawing I will place the words I want to consider beside the drawing paper to keep my thoughts focused.

Typically an artist doesn’t want to admit there is uncertainty and trial-and-error involved.