New Beginnings
Each new drawing is a new beginning with the high hopes that this will be the best ever. How to begin a drawing is always the most difficult part for me. I hear my teacher’s words: "begin with composition, find the angles, draw shapes not things.” I am usually in a hurry to move on to the modeling stage and establish the light and dark values. The push and pull of values is the fun stage for me as this is when the drawing becomes a three dimensional work of art on a one dimensional surface. My teacher says: “Just draw what you see, observation is key, slow down, draw with a light touch, build up the layers gradually, save the highlights for the end.” All these things whirl around in my head as I apply them to my art. Then, I hear the words of Angel Pontier in her song, New Beginnings:
“I feel like I’m dancing, one step forward,
One step forward, two-steps back.
Ella Grace
New Beginnings, can you feel it?
It’s a new day for second chances,
New Beginnings,
Let the work begin.
Now I feel like I’m dancing, all steps forward,
All steps forward, no steps back.”
It is true!