Emily’s Eyes
The finished charcoal drawing of Emily
My teacher Kim asked me to share with the class about the connection between faith and visual art.
Her encouragement came when she said, “I am confident that the Lord always leads in a way that ties things together beautifully.” As I thought about how to bring the connection of faith and visual art together, a song came to mind from years ago, titled “He Who Began A Good Work in You” inspired by the words in Phil 1:6 “I am sure that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion”
As the lyrics played over and over in my mind, I began to wonder what drawings and photographs I might have that would visually illustrate the connection between faith and visual art.
In a digital art class in 2009, twelve years ago I was assigned to make a digital painting in the style of the old masters painting in art history.
I researched my art history books I found a painting by Peter Paul Rubens of a young woman with a large black hat. The woman in the painting looked very much like my daughter-in-law Emily. I ask Emily if she would come and be a model for a photo shoot. She agreed and while our husbands watched an afternoon of football, Emily and I played dress up. Rubens was known for his voluptuous Rubenesque women. Emily said she did not think she could look like the woman in the painting. I said, “Not to worry Em, here’s a box of push ups and photoshop will do the rest to make you a Rubenesque woman! The first photo to test the lighting turned out to be the best of all the photographs taken that afternoon. Little did I know that this photo would be used years later as the source image for a charcoal drawing.
Original Photo of Emily
I fortunately kept the original photo taken in 2009. Now, with a love for drawing and a better understanding of composition, dramatic lighting and a desire to go back to the basics of drawing, I attempted to give this image to new life as a charcoal rendering.
Connecting faith and art, it is a common thread that runs through all my work. As I refine, define and edit I am trying to get to the essence of what God is asking me to do and say. As an artist I ask God these questions, what is the message you for me to convey, how do I illustrate the words and images given me, who are the people with whom you want me to share these truths, and where will you take me in this effort to make a connection between faith and art?
Work in progress…
My bellwether verse that guides me through the editing and refining process of my art comes from Jeremiah 15:19 NASB, where it says, “If you will extract the precious from the worthless, you will become my spokesman…”
It is amazing to me the doors that God opens. Here we are today in this study learning with each other how God calls us to share our gift of creativity.
In the video “Emily’s Eyes” I take you through the progression of the drawing process from preliminary study, preparation of the paper, value study of lights and darks, early rendering of the form and the finishing touches of “Emily’s Eyes”. I hope you enjoy this journey with me as you experience the search for a connection between faith and visual art.
Enjoy Life and ART.