Shades of Snow

Dear Lord,

There is a winter wonderland outside my window. A blanket of deep white snow covers the earth and equalizes all of nature. I see only the stone wall, the underside of tree trunks and limbs, the tiny bits of day lilies poking through the snow and the pottery urns that will hold colorful spring flowers in just a few weeks. Seeing the snow covered earth in only shades of grey is much like drawing a charcoal portrait and using the darkest darks, the lightest lights and the mid tones to describe the form. Without the distraction of color and the flurry of growth I see better the outlines of life and art. In this sea of white I draw near to you and rest my eyes on the fallen snow with its beautiful “Shades of Snow”.

White Blanket of Snow

No red, no yellow, no blue to be seen,

No purple, no orange not even a green,

What do I see in nature’s white blanket of snow?

  God teaching me clearly

what He wants me to know.  

Enjoy Life and ART.




Sculpting with Clay